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REEL TECH CUSTOM – Ladies Salmon Rod

HERE IT IS LADIES :)…….What better reason to go out and purchase some new matching shoes and clothing……your very own, and very fashionable…..Reel Tech Custom Rod !!

This build just completed exceeded my expectations. Custom salmon rod for a lady angler, a gift from her man. Needless to say, this will be an eye catcher on the river, and surely be the envy of her fellow lady angler friends.

MHX SA1025 8’6″ 12-25# blank, Mudhole CRB Cherry Blossom Blank Thru Casting Seat, American Tackle Ring Lock Nanolite Casting Guides, Split Grip Carbon Fiber handle, Rubber Butt Cap, Silver Aluminum Winding Checks, wrapped in Hot Pink main wraps/white trim. Custom matched marbling job in the rear section to match the seat color. Rod finished with pink/pearl glitter epoxy. UNBELIEVABLE !!!!

Mudhole CRB Cherry Blossom Blank Thru Reel Seat…….what more could a girl want for her own salmon rod!

Custom color matched marbling – Mixed colors to achieve a perfect color match to the CRB Cherry Blossom Reel Seat. Pink/pearl glitter epoxy..OUTSTANDING!!

Here’s to our lovely women fishing wives/friends/partners, and providing a justifiable reason for them to go out and get some matching “accessories” 🙂

Tight lines lady anglers !!

REEL TECH CUSTOM – 10’6″ Steelhead Float Rod

Custom Steelhead float rod just off the dryer for a happy customer. Built to his specifications, this rod came out AWESOME! Im sure he will do a great job breaking this one in 🙂 Thank you Stan !!

Rogue SS1063 10’6″ 4-8# Blank, Pac Bay GBS Exposed Blank Spinning Reel Seat, RECOIL Black Pearl Titanium Guides, Split Grip Cork Handle, Blue Aluminum Winding Checks, Cork Butt with Blue Aluminum Trim Ring, Wrapped in Metallic Blue main wraps with Blue/Silver Metallic Twist Thread Trim.
Finished off with some custom thread work in the butt section. CUSTOM!

Pac Bay GBS Exposed Blank Spinning Reel Seat:

Finished off with some custom thread work in the butt section:

Tight Lines and Bobber Downs !!

2013 Winter Steelhead Success

Had some great times on some southern Oregon rivers this season. Some real nice fish and great times with great friends!

Congratulations to Barry Filippone for landing this 35″ x 21″ fish of a lifetime:

Jon Geyer with some dandy fish:

Ken Berryhill with a big smile:

Barry and The Reel Tech:

The Reel Tech:

Gotta love winter STEEL 🙂

REEL TECH CUSTOM – Custom #5 for Ken!

Happy to have delivered Ken’s 5th Reel Tech Custom rod. For this build he wanted a 10’6″ 4-8# Float Rod to add to his collection. Thank you as always Ken, your business is much appreciated, and I must say your taste in fishing rods is impeccable 🙂

Rogue SS 1063 10’6″ 4-8# Blank, RECOIL Black Pearl Titanium Spinning Guides, American Tackle AERO Reel Seat, Carbon Fiber Split Grip Handle, Rubber Butt Cap, Purple Aluminum Winding Checks. Wrapped with Metallic Blue Main Wraps/Metallic Purple Trim.
Finished off with some fancy color matching wrap work done in the rear split grip area. CUSTOM!

RECOIL Black Pearl Titanium Spinning Guides Wrapped with Metallic Blue Main Wraps/Metallic Purple Trim:

Custom color matching wrap work done in the rear split grip area puts an eye catching finish to this build:

Tight Lines and Screaming Drags!

REEL TECH CUSTOM – Lamiglas XMG 9’10” Steelhead Spinning Rod

Custom Lamiglas XMG Spinning rod headed up to its new owner, Spencer Rhodes. This was a fun build and really came out amazing. Im sure we will see this rod in action very soon in an AllAroundAngler video. Enjoy your new toy Spencer 🙂

Lamiglas XMG50 118-2ML 9’10” 8-12# Blank, American Tackle AERO Spinning Seat, RECOIL Titanium Spinning Guides, Carbon Fiber Split Grip Handle, Rubber Butt Cap, Cobalt Blue Dimpled Aluminum Winding Checks, and Steelhead Decal. Wrapped in metallic royal blue main wraps with blue/silver metallic twist trim. A crosswrap pattern was used to trim out each guide on this build.
Finished with 2 tone blue/silver custom marbling in the rear split grip area, and coated with blue/silver glitter epoxy. Awesome!!

RECOIL Titanium Spinning Guides, wrapped in metallic royal blue main wraps with blue/silver metallic twist trim. A crosswrap pattern was used to trim out each guide on this build:

2 tone blue/silver custom marbling in the rear split grip area, coated with blue/silver glitter epoxy:

Tight Lines and Bent Rods!! 🙂

REEL TECH CUSTOM – Split Grip Bass Casting Rod

Custom Cork Split Grip Bass Casting Rod completed and being shipped off to Tennessee tomorrow. A gift from a gal for her lucky Boyfriend. A pleasure to deal with, Nichole had a short timeline to deal with as her boyfriends birthday is this coming week. The deadline was achieved and her boyfriend now has a one of a kind bass rod on the way.
Warning to the Bass of Tennessee….Reel Tech Custom Rod on its way 🙂

MHX MB843 7′ 10-17# Blank, American Tackle Ring Lock Nanolite Casting Guides, 2 Tone Cork Split grip handle, Cork Butt with purple aluminum trim ring, Fuji ECSM Blank Through Reel Seat, Purple Aluminum Winding Checks. Wrapped with metallic purple main wraps/metallic green trim. Custom purple/green marbling done in the rear split grip area to finish off this one of a kind bass rod!

Here’s to Bass fishing in style! Thank you Nichole 🙂

REEL TECH CUSTOM – Split Grip Salmon Backbouncer

Custom salmon rod vision brought to reality for a special gal who will be sure to have the flashiest rod on the river come fall salmon season!! Special thanks to my wife Jennifer Lynne-Strenk for assisting in the color blending to acheive the desired turquoise color pigment for the marbling section.

Rogue HS 826 8’2″ 10-20# blank, American Tackle Ring Lock Nanolite guides, Split Grip Carbon Fiber handle, Fuji ECSM Blank Through Reel Seat, Rubber Butt Cap, Black/Gold Aluminum Winding Checks, wrapped in Metallic Turquoise with Metallic Lime Green and Metallic Copper Trim. Custom multi colored marbling in the rear split grip section. Turquoise, green, and copper glitter epoxy to finish it off. CUSTOM!

Tight Lines and Screaming Drags to all!